2015년 12월 22일 화요일

엘론 머스크의 SpaceX Orbital Rocket 착륙 성공.

SpaceX makes history with the first-ever orbital rocket landing

This monumental moment marks a critical milestone that SpaceX has been working toward for years and could pave the way for a new era of spaceflight that runs on reusable rockets — rockets that can fly more than once.

Orbital rockets are the most powerful type of rocket there is because they generate enough speed and power to send payloads into orbit around Earth, hence "orbital." These orbits can range from hundreds to tens of thousands of miles above the surface.

Orbital rockets are key to SpaceX's eventual goal of transporting people to deep-space destinations like Mars, and then bringing them back home.

The immediate benefit of reusable rockets is a drastic decrease in the cost of spaceflight. But the long-term advantage is even more exciting: A fleet of reusable rocket could be used to land on Mars to then launch astronauts off the Martian surface on their way back to Earth.

The next step for SpaceX is to refuel this exact rocket and become the first aerospace company in history to launch a used rocket back to space. When SpaceX plans to reuse this rocket is unclear.


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